Trail Mix
Reykjavik, Iceland
Competition Proposal
The Trail Mix Trekking Cabins are a series of small cabin clusters that create micro communities and are deployed along the major trekking paths throughout Iceland. The dichotomy between the formal iconicity and the ambiguity within the landscape defines a collapsed boundary between architecture and nature. The cabins themselves sit plainly on the landscape, while mimicking the surrounding jagged and mountainous terrain. The form emulates the vernacular, while articulating a new image for the region.
There are various types of cabin clusters that are dispersed throughout the trails. The variability of the clusters and public plinths, encourages a multitude of uses, quantity of users, and a variety of formats for travelers to engage the landscape.
Within the clusters, there are typically three to four main types of housing. The smaller private cabins accommodate single or coupled travelers, while the large cabins are suitable for large traveling groups. Each cluster has a collective cabin, which houses the main amenities, such as the kitchen, living room, etc. for a shared communal experience while traveling.
Project Team: Nimet Anwar and Omar Ali
Reykjavik, Iceland
Competition Proposal
The Trail Mix Trekking Cabins are a series of small cabin clusters that create micro communities and are deployed along the major trekking paths throughout Iceland. The dichotomy between the formal iconicity and the ambiguity within the landscape defines a collapsed boundary between architecture and nature. The cabins themselves sit plainly on the landscape, while mimicking the surrounding jagged and mountainous terrain. The form emulates the vernacular, while articulating a new image for the region.
There are various types of cabin clusters that are dispersed throughout the trails. The variability of the clusters and public plinths, encourages a multitude of uses, quantity of users, and a variety of formats for travelers to engage the landscape.
Within the clusters, there are typically three to four main types of housing. The smaller private cabins accommodate single or coupled travelers, while the large cabins are suitable for large traveling groups. Each cluster has a collective cabin, which houses the main amenities, such as the kitchen, living room, etc. for a shared communal experience while traveling.
Project Team: Nimet Anwar and Omar Ali